Tourism Funding

How do we access government tourism funding?

Destinate recognizes that tourism organizations often require government grant support to execute critical projects. We understand tourism funding applications, government processes, administration of grants and how to successfully execute funded projects.

With the government announcing new grants regularly, it is difficult for tourism destinations and operators to stay up to date on all the programs currently available and their associated details. It takes time and experience to articulate programs effectively in grant applications. Leave the detailed work to us. Destinate regularly develops grant applications and oversees grant administration. We are confident in our ability to position your organization and your project in order to attain the highest probability of success.


The grant application process is multifaceted. Applicants must:

  • Understand the grants available and the priorities of each

  • Communicate directly with grant representatives

  • Confirm potential projects that fit specific grant programs

  • Engage applicable partners for the project

  • Describe the details of the project as required by the specific application including:

    Project overview and objectives

    Key activities

    Project partners, partner funding and letters of support

    Project budget and timelines

  • Review and submit final applications

  • Follow up with grant representatives for confirmation of funding

We have funding, now what?

This is a common challenge that tourism organizations face. The funding arrives but the organization doesn’t have the time or resources to deliver on the project requirements. That’s where Destinate can help! We are seasoned grant program project managers that can oversee your project. Often, our fees can be incorporated directly into the project funding. 

The grant administration process includes the following:

  • Contract execution and project start

  • Confirm workback schedule for activities and reporting requirements

  • Oversee the successful completion of all tactics

  • Provide required reporting and administration to grant provider

  • Liaise with accounting on all project costs

  • Measure the success of the project against project objectives

  • Provide a close-out meeting and complete final forms

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We support your tourism governance

Small tourism organizations often struggle with informal governance structures and policies. Destinate Network™ engages a variety of consultants that are skilled in board governance for not-for-profit organizations. Further, sound governance structures are often required to access government funding. We offer governance and human resource support in the following areas:

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Setting Up Board Governance/HR Committees

tasked to develop competency matrices, analyze board competencies, engage in board recruitment, support board manual and orientation development.
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Hosting Strategic Planning Sessions for the Board

Including establishing or confirming vision, mission and values, policy framework and annual board work plans.
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Establishing Formal HR Programs

Including job descriptions, reporting structures, performance management programs and recruitment strategies.
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Organization Structure

Including recommended organizational structures and models for success.

90% of the world's tourism companies are small to medium enterprises with only a few employees. We work with you to address capacity constraints—both financial and human resource—to position your organization for success.